Have your say on De Havilland Way junction improvements
Residents and those who work and travel through the area are invited to have their say to help shape proposals for improving connectivity around Horwich and Westhoughton.
The proposed De Havilland Way Corridor Scheme has been developed as part of the government’s £50m Levelling Up Fund Round Two.
The aim of the scheme is to ease congestion for cars and buses at peak times, as well as to improve walking and cycling facilities. Collectively, the proposals will provide a better-connected network that can accommodate future growth.
Proposals for De Havilland Way include:
- Converting roundabouts to major signalised junctions at:
- Chorley Road / A6027 De Havilland Way;
- Spirit of Sport; and
- A673 Chorley New Road / A6027 De Havilland Way (Beehive Roundabout).
- Signalisation and capacity improvements at Junction 6 M61
Fully segregated walking and cycling facilities along De Havilland Way in accordance with national standards
Potential changes to Austin’s Lane to support the movement of traffic as part of the revised Beehive junction.
To find out more and have your say visit: https://bit.ly/De_HavillandWay between Thursday May 19 and Friday June 10, 2022.