Hospitality Business Guidance
The latest updates and information for Businesses in the hospitality sector including, Lisensed premises, pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes.
1. The latest advice and guidance
2. Workplace safety guidance
3. Face coverings
4. Grants and Business rates support
5. Useful Links
1. The latest advice and guidance
On February 22, the prime minister set out a roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions in England.
From May 17, step 3 will be in place.
Details of the new rules, and how they will affect Bolton residents, have been updated at
What you can and cannot do under COVID-19 restrictions
As of May 17, the following can re-open:
- Indoor entertainment and attractions such as:
- Cinemas
- Theatres
- Concert halls
- Bowling alleys
- Casinos
- Amusement arcades
- Museums
- Children’s indoor play areas
Indoor hospitality venues such as:
- Restaurants
- Pubs
- Bars
- Cafes
- All holiday accommodation including hotels and B&Bs (this can be used by groups of up to 6 or 2 households)
In addition:
- Gathering limits will be eased. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 30 people and indoor gatherings will be limited to 6 people or 2 households (each household can include a support bubble, if eligible).
- New guidance on meeting friends and family will emphasise personal responsibility rather than government rules. Instead of instructing you to stay 2m apart from anyone you don’t live with, you will be encouraged to exercise caution and consider the guidance on risks associated with COVID-19 and actions you can take to help keep you and your loved ones safe. Remember that the risks of close contact may be greater for some people than others and in some settings and circumstances, there will be specific guidance that you will need to follow even when you are with friends and family.
- People will be able to attend indoor and outdoor events, including live performances, sporting events and business events. Attendance at these events will be capped according to venue type, and attendees should follow the COVID-secure measures set out by those venues.
- Organised indoor sport will be able to take place for all (this includes gym classes). This must be organised by a business, charity or public body and the organiser must take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission.
- Funeral attendance will no longer be limited to 30 people, but will be determined by how many people the COVID-secure venue can safely accommodate with social distancing. Limits at weddings, wakes and other commemorative events will be increased to 30 people. Other significant life events, such as bar/bat mitzvahs and christenings, will also be able to take place with 30 people.
- The rules for care home residents visiting out and receiving visitors will change, allowing up to five named visitors (two at any one time), provided visitors test negative for COVID-19.
- All higher education students will be able to access in-person teaching.
- Support groups and parent and child group gathering limits will increase to 30 people (not including under 5s)
- There will no longer be a legal restriction or permitted reason required to travel internationally. There will be a traffic light system for international travel, and you must follow the rules when returning to England depending on whether you return from a red, amber or green list country.
The “stay at home” rule is no longer in place, but many restrictions still apply:
- Continue to work from home if you can
- New rules for a green list of countries will come into force 17 May
You can visit indoor venues in a group of up to 6 people from different households or a larger group of any size from up to 2 households including support bubbles.
COVID-secure rules, including social distancing requirements, continue to apply in the workplace, and in businesses and public venues.
Businesses and venues which must remain closed
To reduce social contact, some businesses, such as nightclubs, must remain closed or follow restrictions on how they provide goods and services.
There is further guidance on restrictions on businesses and venues in England which explains which restrictions we will seek to ease at Step 4, subject to the outcome of the events research programme, social distancing and COVID-status certification reviews.
2. Workplace safety guidance
The Government are seeking views on how the Protect Duty can make the public safer at publicly accessible locations. This includes hospitality venues so this ‘protect duty’ could affect you so please take time to feed into this important consultation by following the link here:
We understand that this continues to be a worrying and distressing time for businesses and raises many questions. Please be assured that we are working hard with our partners in health and elsewhere to keep all our residents safe and to do everything we can to help businesses to continue to run in the safest way possible.
The safety of you and your staff and the safety of your customers remains paramount in enabling this to take place and we continue to offer any assistance we can to provide extra support for the hospitality sector.
A letter has recently been posted out to all licensed nad indoor hospitality premises, to see a copy fo the letter please follow this link.
Please see below a link to the latest information available for settings including;
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Bars
- Pubs
- Cafes
- Takeaways
This guidance outlines;
- Practical actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- How to use NHS Track & Trace
- What to do in the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case(s)
- Contact information should you need further assistance
For the latest Government Guidance on working safely please go to
3. Face coverings
It is important that you ensure that your staff are wearing face-coverings in areas that that are open to the public and where they're likely to come into contact witha member of the public.
A face covering is: something which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings.
If businesses have taken steps to create a physical barrier or screen between workers and members of the public then staff behind the barrier or screen will not be required to wear a face covering. Enforcement action can be taken if barriers and screens are in place which do not adequately mitigate risks.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) can issue fines (Fixed Penalty Notices - £200) to those who fail to wear face coverings.
The latest guidance has been issued by Government in relation to working safely in takeaways, cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs. Guidance in being updated all the time, so please ensure you remain up to date on any changes.
Please download this poster and display in a visable location in the relevant area to act as a reminder for customers and staff about wearing face coverings.
If you fail to display such a notice you can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for £1000 by Bolton Council.
The situation will be monitored and and any continued non – compliance will be reported to GMP.
In order to minimise the spread of coronavirus throughout the population - everyone must play their part.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to make contact with the team at
4. Business rates and grant support
Financial Support for Businesses
For the latest information and grant support please go to
Other Government support and funding
For further information on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, Self Employment Support Scheme and other financial support available to help your business during Covid-19 - find out the latest information here.
Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick announced on 9 December 2020 that business owners affected by the pandemic will be protected from eviction until the end of March 2021. See the updated code of conduct for commercial landlords and tenants.
5. Useful Information
- Redundancy support - if your business is experiencing financial difficulties, further information and support is available here .
- If your job is at risk or you've been made redundant you are not alone, The Licensed Trade Charity have helped over 50,000 people this year. You can talk to them about money, redundancy, back to work support and mental health. Call FREE 24/7 on 0808 801 0550.
- Working Well Early Help offer quick, free access to mental and physical health therapies and can support you and your staff with out NHS backed service which is quick and free to use. Call 0300 456 8107 or Email: