Keep up to date with the latest flood warning situation or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
If it is an immediate emergency with threat to life call 999.
Get advice on how to prepare for flooding to help protect your home or business.
In the event of a flood, check the council's Twitter and Facebook pages for the latest information and advice.
Be prepared in case of flooding.
- Prepare a flood kit containing essential items and important contact numbers
- Move valuable items to a safe place
- Check insurance cover
- Know how to turn off gas, water, electricity supplies
Further flood advice here:
What to do in the event of a flood:
- Gather essential items & move family & pets upstairs or to a high place with a means of escape
- Turn off gas, electricity & water supplies if safe to do so & before water enters your home
- Check local updates
- Call 999 if in immediate danger
Flood advice for businesses
For further help and information download the GM Flooding factsheet or take a ook at information on preparing your business for flooding.