Would you like to reduce sickness absence in your business?
Do you have employees signed off due to health conditions or a disability?
If you have any employees signed off work from their GP with a health condition or disability for a two week period or more they could be eligible for Working Well Early Help. The programme aims to support people who are struggling in work to prevent them from falling out of work. Bolton residents can get access to the following services;
- Experienced telephone based case workers offering personal and holistic support
- Health, well-being and lifestyle advice
- Specialist health interventions for common conditions associated with sickness absence
- Provides patients with early access to treatment programmes e.g. mental health, MSK support and physiotherapy
- Action planning to support the individual back into work
To find out more or refer into the service:
Telephone: 0300 456 8107
Email: workingwellearlyhelp@maximus.co.uk
Website: www.workingwellearlyhelp.co.uk